
FSX – Piper PA-24 Comanche 180 CS

FSX – Piper PA-24 Comanche 180 CS. Based on the existing ( airplane made by Mike Stone, (found on this FlightSim.Com downloads section). Besides being adapted to the 180 HP version in the aircraft configuration files for FSX, it adds the actual set of 25-gallon fuel tanks, seating / baggage weight and balance problems to Mike Stone’s simulation of the Piper Comanche, manufactured in 1958 to 1964. This airplane comes complete, in that it has all the necessary gauges found in Mike Stone’s panel(s) and those not already provided for in FSX. This airplane makes performance runs (fully loaded with full tanks) at ground speeds of 136 knots, burning roughly 11 GPH, at 2,500 RPM for the constant-speed prop at 25-inches of manifold pressure. I found this Comanche 180 airplane very interesting to fly, I hope you will to. AIrcraft.CFG By Ronald Prindle. The POH (Pilot’s Operating Handbook) for the Comanche 180 can be found online in PDF form, where my data references originated from.

By Ron Prindle

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