FSX – Cessna Citation CJ4 Interior Textures
FSX – Cessna Citation CJ4 Interior Textures. This folder contains repainted/adjusted textures for the following items, based on the original textures by NextGen Simulations: – VC Cockpit panel grey colour made darker. – VC Cockpit and cabin interior wood and seat-fabric colours lightened. – Engine fan colour lightened to make more visible. – Windscreen and side-window glass colour lightened. NextGen did a superb job of this aircraft. These revised textures are a personal choice (I wanted a paler colour of interior, but you may prefer the NextGen original black leather version). As a reference, I used various photos available online and then applied my own artistic spin using Paint, PSP & Gimp. The interior loosely resembles Cessna’s “Bisque” interior, although the leather cut pattern is simpler.
By Sam Hankins
11.5 MB