Aviation News

New monthly record at Copenhagen Airport

 Passenger numbers increased by 4.3% in November, which was the eighth monthly record at Copenhagen Airport this year. The year-to-date growth rate was 5.7%, and the annual passenger record from 2008 is consequently about to be broken. 

A total of 1,761,409 passengers passed through Copenhagen Airport in November, This was just over 72,000, or 4.3% more passengers than last year. 

”Transfer traffic contributed to the growth in passenger numbers in November. Traffic grew from all of the six major feeder airports, i.e. from Stockholm, Oslo, Gothenburg, Stavanger, Bergen and Helsinki, with the latter showing the highest growth rate thanks to the airline Blue1, which has increased its traffic on the Finnish capital. This strengthens our position as a northern European traffic hub,” said Carsten Nørland, VP, Sales and Marketing for Copenhagen Airports. 

The number of international passengers rose 6.0%, and there were 9.6% more transfer passengers, while domestic traffic was down by 7.2% due to a reduction in capacity and number of frequencies to various Danish destinations. 

Year to date, more than 21.1 million passengers have used Copenhagen Airport, representing a year-on-year growth rate of 5.7%. This also means that Copenhagen Airport is only 400,000 passengers from beating its own passenger record from 2008.

Source: Copenhagen Airports

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