Supporter Member Certificate

smcPerfect Flight offer a free service to the Flight Simulation community. In order to keep this web site running free of charge we need of your support to help us to pay the high expenses.

Every time you access to our website, reading news or downloading add-ons from our Free Library Files, we pay for you the space storage, bandwidth etc.

The advertising placed on our web site does not cover all the above indicated menagement cost so, please help us and donate what you can

You will receive via email a special gift: our exclusive and printable (A4 format) Supporter Member Certificate in hig resolution, with your name (see pic below)

Please donate now!


Supporter Members 2013

– Marco Martini, Italy
– Mike Martini, Italy
– Luis Cerutti, Switzerland
– William McLeron, Australia
– Osvaldo Braca, Spain
– Lucas Pretton, United States
– H A Roberts, United Kingdom
– Anthony Hernandez, United States
– Lars-Gunnar Hansson, Sweden
– Heinz Pütz, Germany
– Victoriano Porras Redondo, Spain
– Bruno Ambrosio, Italy
– John M. Helms, United States
– Davide Cancedda, Italy
– Miguel Correia, Portugal
– Ian Patterson, United Kingdom
– Alexandre Gabriel Gomes Da Silva, Brazil
– Lluis Martinez Carrera, Andorra
– Brian Green, United Kingdom
– Luther Diamond, United States
– Brian Galpin, New Zeland
– Laurence Phillips, Australia
– Horst Förster, Germany
– Jacob Mulder, Australia
– Horst Förster, Germany
– Garth Wilson, United Kingdom
– Francis Conway, United States
– Raymond Kingsley, United Kingdom
– Peter Donald Smerdon, United Kingdom
– Tomas Quezada, United States
– Geaorges Page, France
– Raymond D, France
– Giuseppe Turri, Italy
– Raymond Johnson, Australia
– Vyacheslav Chapurin, Kazakistan
– Francisco Lopez Ruiz, Spain
– Anton Eagar, South Africa
– Raymond Johnson, Australia
– Don Green, Australia
– Iain Brown, Australia
– John M. Helms, United States
– Keith Chesher, United Kingdom
– David Nunes, United States
– James Briden, United States
– Rudolf Wazlawek, Austria
– Esko Heino, Finland
– Stuart Lean, New Zeland

6 thoughts on “Supporter Member Certificate

  • Sorry the crisis does not leave me any room for donations,electric,butane gas,gasoline,food and everything else went up on price, so my hobby suffers. Sincerely Vicente

  • I know the feeling…

  • With the horrible Rand exchange I would have to send 1/2 my salary to give a decent donation. Inflation running high.
    Sorry PITPONY

  • Paul Brandys

    I have lately downloaded few of your planes…sometimes it is OK,sometimes are missing some parts of it..but finally I am happy and greatfull ,to see your work.and be able to enjoy flying…Thanks…

  • to get the attention from flight simmers??????
    1..what is the best mother board
    2..what is the best RAM like 16 or 32 GB
    3..what is the best hatd drive like single ssd 500 GB
    4..what is the best monitor can able to make 1900–1200
    5..what is the best video card like GTX 780 $GB
    6..what is the price of curve monitor for fsx

  • Phillip Ware

    There was a P2V-5 Neptune on here ages ago, and I’d love to get it. I flew on them back in the 1960’s as a Radio/Radio Operator, if anyone could help, would appreciate it.

    My flight Sim has all the Saitek Controls, except for the yoke, which is the CH Products Yoke. Cessna Throttles, Switch Panels, Radio Stack, Auto Pilots etc go to make it an excellent training device for keeping my instrument flying current, and grandchildren amused.

    I have the MatroxTrippleHead2Go, with three screens, and an Australian Orbx scenery package of my local area.
    Happy Christmas to all,


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