
FS2004 – Sydney CYQY Scenery

FS2004 – Sydney CYQY Scenery, in Nova Scotia Canada. Sydney is a maritime port on the east coast of Canada, on the eastern corner of Cape Breton Island. It was founded in 1785 and grew in size emormously from 1900 as a steel mill was founded that prospered along with local coal mines until 1950 or so. After that date and following the final closure of the mill in 2001 the population declined to the current 29,000 or so. The airport is 3 or 4 miles southwest and inland of a coastal urban area which stretches from New Waterford in the north through Lingan, Dominion, Reserve Mines, and Glace Bay, to Port Caledonia, and 5 miles east of the town of Sydney which is beside a sheltered deep water harbour area. This version is not from a fixed date as although I had video of some of the buildings from 2010 I inadvertently constructed part of the apron layout from 2018 information, and then decided to keep it like that either because I liked it or perhaps was too lazy to redo it. The terminal building and the garages to the east of the terminal are original and old, though renovated and maintained to a fairly good standard. The other buildings on the airport are “hangars” in the expected form, with steel frames, insulated cladding, and pitched roofs. The airport publicises it’s ability to cater for all the needs of visiting aicraft, with a large FBO hanger just beside the terminal. There are (or were, before the virus came along) scheduled flights by Westjet, Air Canada Jazz, and Air North, which are included in the AI along with GA flights. The runways are 07-25 at 7,000 feet and with PAPI on 25 and ILS on 07, and 01-19 at 6,000 feet with PAPI on 01 and ILS on 19. You will see once the scenery is installed that there are two folders in Sydney CYQY called “Scenery summer” and “scenery winter”. Editing the folder name down from “scenery summer” to just “scenery” results in FS9 loading the summer ground textures and parked planes etc. In February you would edit down the “scenery winter” folder to just “scenery” and the unused and unswept taxiways, runway, and aprons will be invisible under the snow, the open-topped cars will not be parked in the open, and privately-owned planes will be in the hangars. If FS9 decides that there is snow on the ground then you need the winter textures, if not then the summer textures. The winter textures are not the full-snowdrift-middle-of-Winter-gale type and are more like early or late winter. One thing you must NOT DO is to edit both folders down at the same time.

By Roger Wensley

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