P3D V.4.5 – Lamb Holm & the Churchill Barriers Scenery
P3D V.4.5 – Lamb Holm & the Churchill Barriers Scenery. This package will require manual installation and manual addition of entries to your Scenery Library. This airfield scenery is hopefully the first of a series of airfield addons to compliment Orbx TENorth & TECentral. Some airfields will not be covered by Orbx and other airfields will be enhanced. The scenery files can be placed anywhere you choose on your system, however we would suggest avoiding placing within the P3D main files. Unzip the downloaded file to the place of your choosing and there you will then find a folder named Scot2020. The intention will be to use this folder to place all future packages made available. From this folder you first need to move the ‘Effects’ folder and place within P3D v4.5 main folder to amalgamate with the existing ‘Effects’ folder. You will now be left with ‘Airfields’ and ScotLibs folders. The files for Lamb Holm are held within the ‘Airfields’ folder. Scotlibs is a library of custom objects needed for this scenery. This will be updated over time to cover other packages released.
By Iain Gallacher
33 MB