Tailstrike due windshear disables RAF plane (ZE707)
Tailstrike due windshear disables RAF plane (ZE707)I was so amazed at the landing bounce that I didn’t notice the most important aspect of the event – the impact of the tail with the runway. Fortunately, several eagle-eyed Youtubers did – notably megathumper777, and Maganpilota – Private Pilot N. Zoltan who gave a great description of the action in the comments section of the original video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw-EJ…
It seemed only fair to upload a new video highlighting the tail scrape and the reason for it – a 10 knot loss of indicated air speed due to negative windshear at a critical moment of the approach.
Also, many people thought the vapour puffs from the wingtip areas were just wake condensation, so I’ve included a section showing the surge tank vents on this aircraft – ejection of fuel through these vents is not uncommon in turbulent conditions when the wings flex.
There is an independent photo of the plane after it had taxied to the hangar area at BHX, showing the damaged tailskid, at https://www.bhxspotter.com/c-gjcb-gl5…