
FSX/FS2004 German U-Boat Type XXI

FSX/FS2004 German U-Boat Type XXI. (Probably also for P3D v3) German U-Boat Type XXI. It was a class of German diesel-electric submarines from 1943-45 with a length of 76.7 m. It was the most sophisticated submarine that time with a great hydrodynamical design for conning tower, hull and guns which allowed up to 17 knots submerged speed, improved batteries and powerfull 3.700 kw electro motors allowed a range of 15500 nmi. The technic included snorkel, sonar- and radar detectors and a radar transmitter plus an electric torpedo-reloading system. The boat entered the war too late to succeed in any battle but the design directly influenced advanced post-war submarines of nations like USA, UK, France and Soviet Union. The only surviving boat is Wilhelm Bauer (ex. U-2540) which is now a museum ship in Bremerhaven/Germany. The FS-model has many animations including sub merging. 2D periscope panel graphics combined with camera views allows 360° look around and zoom functions plus watching the submerging from the eyepoint of the commander. From the attack periscope a torpedo, with a delayed explosion effect, can be launched. Optional ten more original submarine sounds can be activated by R.L. Clark’s sound switches like: Rough sea, hatch, merging, diving, submerging, sonar-pings, torpedo launch and attackes by depth charges; even movie soundtrack is possible. Some extra sounds are included but due to the copyrights some specials sounds are not included but they can all easyly downloaded at

FSDS 3.5 model with 2D panel view and a simple virtual central by Erwin Welker

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