
FSX Update For Dassault Rafale A And C

Rafale A on carrier_01

FSX Update For Dassault Rafale A And C. This is an update for FSX of the Rafale A and C aircraft by Cyril Pioffet. I have updated the flight dynamics, and modified the panel a bit. Included are two flights that include a moving carrier. The first is just after the carrier departs Norfolk Virginia. The second is about 2 hours later with the carrier heading south on the ocean. I put in the flights with this update because even though the aircraft does not have a visible tail hook, because the real aircaft doesn’t have one, I have included a tail hook section and a catapult section in the aircraft.cfg file so you can use them both on a carrier. On the electrical panel there is a tail hook switch and a red light that comes on when the tail hook is down, so you can know if you have your invisible tail hook down.

By Bob Chicilo.

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