
FS2004 – Little Port Walter

Little Port Walter 04

FS2004 – Little Port Walter. This is a second fish farm at the southern end of Baranof Island and Chatham Strait in southern Alaska. Big Port Walter is named on the chart of the area, and there is a section of the chart included here. Little Port Walter is a much smaller offshoot bay, sheltered from the weather and ideal for a fish farm. This scenery is designed specifically for use in the Tongass Fjord scenery, but it MAY work if you have just Ultimate Terrain; I haven’t tried it. I may have incorrectly identified Tongass Fjords as being required for Hawk Logging when Glacier Bay is needed. Ah well, it is one or the other of them. The fish farm (or hatchery, the description varies) has an identifying code so it will show up on a gps as PWL. There is no interaction with atc as there are no designated water runways, so PWL on the gps just acts as a waypoint. There will be further posts for use with Tongass Fjords, Misty Fjords, and Glacier Bay, and I still find these scenery areas by Holger and his crew the most satisfying in FS9.

By Roger Wensley

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