Floating Over The Runway. B757 Icelandair Landing In Frankfurt Germany
Floating Over The Runway. B757 Icelandair Landing In Frankfurt Germany
Watch as the pilot flares up a little early and we float over Runway 7L before touching down from the West! Excellent Rolls Royce RB-211 engine sound displayed proudly with fantastic reverse thrust! Today was unusually warm as temperatures reached 86 degrees fahrenheit or 30 degrees celsius! Nice views of the many roadways and rivers outside of Frankfurt on approach! Very green landscape! Fantastic service on board today! Short and sweet landing announcement at the end! Filmed from the Economy Comfort cabin on board Icelandair! Flight 520 from Reykjavik. 5/21/14.
Horfa á eins og flugmaður blys upp smá snemma og við fljóta yfir flugbraut 7L fyrir að snerta niður frá Vesturlöndum! Excellent Rolls Royce RB-211 vél hljóð birtist stoltur með frábær andstæða lagði! Í dag var óvenju hlýtt og hitinn 86 gráður Fahrenheit eða 30 gráður á Celsíus! Nice flettingar af mörgum roadways og ám utan Frankfurt nálgun! Mjög grænt landslag! Frábær þjónusta um borð í dag! Stuttur og sætur lending tilkynningu í lok! Teknar frá Economy Comfort skála um borð í Icelandair! Flug 520 frá Reykjavík. 5/21/14.
Beobachten Sie, wie der Pilot entbrennt ein wenig zu früh und wir schweben über Runway 7L vor dem Aufsetzen aus dem Westen! Ausgezeichnet Rolls Royce RB-211 Motor-Sound angezeigt stolz mit fantastischen Umkehrschub! Heute war ungewöhnlich warm, da die Temperaturen erreichen 86 Grad Fahrenheit oder 30 Grad Celsius! Schöne Aussicht auf den vielen Straßen und Flüssen außerhalb von Frankfurt am Ansatz! Sehr grüne Landschaft! Fantastischer Service an Bord noch heute! Kurz und bündig Landung Ankündigung am Ende! Von der Economy Comfort-Kabine an Bord von Icelandair Gefilmt! Flug 520 von Reykjavik. 5/21/14.
Airline: Icelandair, FI
Plane: Boeing 757-223
Aircraft Delivery: 7 January 2013
Reg: TF-ISF “Laki”
Flight Number : FI520
Airports: Frankfurt Airport FRA EDDF
Runway Used: RWY 7L
Date: 21 May 2014
Flight duration: 2h 57mins
Delay: 24mins
Time of day: 1:00pm/1300
Seat: Row 7, Seat 7F
Origin: Keflavik International Airport