CF-18 Hornet Refuling Flight
Courtesy Video U.S. Northern Command
GoPro Footage from the CF-18 Hornet during Exercise Vigilant Eagle 13, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska on August 27th, 2013. A CC-150 Polaris Airbus from 437 Squadron in Trenton provides air-to-air refueling to CF-18 Hornet fighter aircraft from 409 Squadron on their transit from Cold Lake, Alberta to Elmendorf, Alaska in preparation for Exercise VIGILANT EAGLE 13 on August 27, 2013. Exercise VIGILANT EAGLE involves the Russian Federation Air Force (RFAF) and the bi-national (United States & Canada) North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in a live-fly exercise designed to coordinate responses to a mutually acknowledged hijacked aircraft. This exercise is an opportunity for NORAD and the RFAF to demonstrate cooperation and partnership and to establish a working relationship for technical solutions and information sharing. This year, the RFAF and NORAD will conduct their fifth Vigilant Eagle exercise from August 26 – 30, 2013.