Avsim Wins The 11th RTWR
The eleventh running of the Around-The-World-Race (RTWR 2013) was completed very early on Wednesday morning (UTC). The Race began in Cape Town at 1500UTC Saturday and ran around the clock until the teams completed the circuit in the South African darkness.
This year’s winner is Team AVSIM who managed to finish a smoothly executed error-free race. While outperformed in some respects by Team FlightSim and Team Sim-Outhouse, the AVSIM crew managed an overall performance that gave them the win.
The final “Race Times” (elapsed time adjusted for penalties and bonuses) are:
Team AVSIM: 76:18
Team FlightSim: 77:47
Team Sim-Outhouse: 80:19
Congratulations to all the participants who managed to keep the batons flying through day and night, through tropical lows and Aleutian snowstorms, and into and out of mountain airstrips. All the Teams and pilots are commended on a job well done. The Tornado Trophy having been retired after a decade, we are happy to announce Team AVSIM as the first recipients of the Bendit Trophy The winning team pilots include (listed by their AVSIM handles): Arrvoo; Bryan Rosier; CavalierDuck; cbtaylor; DarkCharizma; epwatson; Great Ozzie; jt_williams; leon.schuiling; Lowflyer; Michael63; MM; Rndguy35; spokes2112; StoneC0ld; svenks; Great pilots, all!