Domodedovo rated the most punctual airlines in January, 2013
Monthly Moscow Domodedovo airport holds a contest in order to rate the most punctual airlines-partners of the period. The most punctual airlines in January, 2013 divided into 8 categories according to flights frequency and passenger traffic, are Transaero, Yamal, Rossiya, Izhavia, Lufthansa, British Airways, Iberia, Air Onix.
Transaero as a leader at the first category operated 1575 flights exactly according to schedule. Yamal won in the second category and operated 189 flights without delays. Rossiya headed the third contest category with 164 on-time flights. Izhavia operated 54 flights without delays became the leader of the fourth category.
The finalists in terms of punctuality among foreign airlines are: Lufthansa (the fifth category, 163 on-time flights), British Airways (the sixth category, 68 flights), Iberia (the seventh category, 43 flights) and Air Onix (the eighth category, 23 flights without delays).
Punctual flights operations are the main factor for service quality and effective collaborative work of airport and airlines. As a guarantee of passengers’ contentment and a significant competitive advantage for airlines and airport, punctual flights operations are considered to be top-priority goal for any airline. Therefore, to become a winner at the contest of punctuality means to demonstrate a result of especial importance for any airline.
The most punctual airlines contest was organized by Moscow Domodedovo airport in order to develop service quality for passengers. Taking into account international experience, contest rules provide additory 15 minutes for nonscheduled delays. All the competitors have equal conditions: 8 categories classification (flights frequency and passenger traffic) is used according to contest rules.
Source/Photo: Domodedovo Airport