Ultimate 737NG Simulation Service Pack
We have just released a free SERVICE PACK for all Ultimate 737NG Simulation users!
Service Pack will install all flight plans used in FSX Missions in the iFly FMC format. So Captain, you may now use the FMC to mange your flight plan in each mission included in Full or Expansion Version of Ultimate 737NG.
To instal, simply run the setup included in the zip file and choose your main FSX Folder.
Setup automatically installs flight plans into the appropriate iFly subfolder.
To load a flightplan, use the FMC of the iFly 737NG as usual. Each flight plan is saved with the same prefix as the mission name.
For example, if you want to fly the mission “AA26 – Miller to Miami Intl”, the associate flightplan is saved as “AA26”.
You may download the free U737NG Service Pack from here