FSX – 55th FG P-51D-5

FSX – 55th FG P-51D-5. Two texture sets for the Warbirdsim North American Aviation P-51 Mustang representing aircraft from the 338th Fighter Squadron, 55th Fighter Group based at RAF Wormingford during August 1944. 44-13954 was a late production P51 D-5 with a factory-fitted fin fillet that was flown by the group commander Lt. Col. John McGinn. The second texture is 44-13351 ‘Dottie “Q”‘, the aircraft of Lt. William J. Ingram, in which he claimed 3.5 kills during August/Semptember 1944. There is a remote possibility it was named after the author’s mother, Dorothy Quincey. She knew many Allied airmen during the war and used to tell about the wild mess parties she used to go to…say no more! Sadly she is no longer with us to ask, but this is dedicated to her memory. By Dave Quincey.
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