Aviation News

PAK-FA programme: 100th test performed yesterday (VIDEO)

Yesterday, Thursday, November 3, 2011 was a memorable date for the T-50 (PAK FA) fifth-generation multi-role fighter programme because the 100th flight test has been performed; an objective reached by both prototypes, (the third is still being developed).

The first prototype made its maiden flight on 20 January 2010 from the Komsomolsk-on-Amur establishment, while the second one made it in early March 2011. However, official presentation took place last 17 August during the “MAKS 2011” exhibition held in Moscow suburbs.

“The Pak-FA programme is materialising and its serial production is being set up, and when the aircraft enters into service, it will enable to enhance the combat capabilities of the Russian Air Force. Its implementation will support the aircraft industry and related sectors, adding new impetus to production, increasing the technical level by providing a stable workload for companies taking part in its development and production. This programme is of top priority for Sukhoi and UAC, as it provides for development and introduction of materials, element base and technologies of high innovative potential for the aviation industry and the economy of the country, as well as for development of new generation projects”, declared Sukhoi.

The announcement describes some peculiarities of the new machine, which combines functions of fighter and strike-fighter aircraft. It is equipped with new avionics with integrated function of “Electronic pilot” and next-generation radar. This equipment reduces the pilot’s workload and helps him concentrate on tactical objectives. The devices allow the exchange of flight data in real time with ground systems and other aircraft.

The PAK-FA is made of composite materials and innovative technologies that have given it an aerodynamic structure; these measures reduce the engine’s visibility providing very low level of radar, optical and infrared visibility, while improving combat effectiveness in both visible and meteorological conditions.

See video of one of the test flights:

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