
– FS2004 Rockwell X31

FS2004 Rockwell X31. The X-31 was designed to break the “stall barrier”, allowing it to flight at angles of attack which would typically cause an aircraft to stall resulting loss of control. The X-31 employs thrust vectoring paddles which are placed in the jet exhaust, allowing the aircraft to maintain control at very high angles. The X-31 also utilizes computer controlled canard wings to help keep the aircraft stable at high attack angles. The model features the usual moving parts, such as all flight controls, spinning wheels, drag-chute and so on. The livery provided with this model and the panel background have been created entirely from scratch, based on photographic material found in the net. Included with this model is a simplified virtual cockpit, with working essential gauges and animated flight controls. By Italo D’Attomo and Giovanni Quai.
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