
– FS2004 Final AFCAD Release – 113 Files

FS2004 Final AFCAD Release – 113 Files. Hypnotoad Studios is very proud to present their final release. This AFCAD file is the last you will ever need. It includes over 113 AFCAD files. These files took over two months to complete and each airport was manually and painstakingly put together. Airports like KDEN (Denver) now have runway 34L/16R, it is a 16000×200 foot runway, that was designed with accurate taxiways and with full autoland, LAND3 ILS Certified Runway. Even better, each airport below has accurately parking spots aligned with their respective gates, even better than that. Each airport has accurate airline and parking spot placing in accordance with the FAA database. The following airports included in this file: KABQ KADW KAFW KIAD KALB KAPA KBDL KBGR KBIL KBKL KBOI KBTL KBUR KCAE KCHS KCLE KCLT KCMH KCRP KCWF KCYS KDAL KDAY KDEN KDFW KDPA KDTW KEDW KELM KELP KEWR KFTW KFWA KGRR KGSO KGTF KHND KHPN KHWD KIAD KIAH KICT KILG KIND KIWA KJFK KLAN KLAS KLAX KLFT KLGA KLGB KLNK KLSV KLTS KLZU KMCN KMCO KMHR KMHT KMIA KMKE KMMU KMOT KMSP KMSY KMTN KNIP KOAK KOKC KONT KORD KPDX KPHL KPHX KPIT KPNS KPTK KPWM KRBD KRDU KRIV KSAF KSAN KSAT KSAV KSDF KSEA KSFO KSJC KSMF KSNA KSTP KSYR KTEB KTOL KVGT KVNY KCVG KMDW KBNA KMEM KSTL KTPA KDAB KPBI KATL KDCA KIAD KBWI KPHL KLGA KCHS KRNO KSLC. By Kylan Walters, Marcus Mosby, the Beta Team, and the rest of the Hypnotoad Team. 2 Mb

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