
– FS2004 Empire Fairchild Metroliner

FS2004 Empire Fairchild Metroliner. The popular Metro in the colors of Empire. Includes fully animated surfaces, animated main and nose gear with animated rolling wheels and independent suspension on each gear. New texture set which has reflections as appropriate, what is being referred to as “dynamic shine”. This is basically a highly light reflective finish to the model’s fuselage and wing leading edge which gives the effect of the sun moving across surfaces as the aircraft flys. Includes visible flight deck with detailed crew. Also the panel is visible with full night effects. Light mapping — this feature replaces the older FS2000 style textures required to replicate night. The use of light mapping does require you have multi texturing switched on, or you will not see the effect during dawn and dusk. Wing/engine views from the cockpit. Empire textures by Tony Madge. Original by Jon Murchison.
2,5 Mb

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