
– FS2002/FS2004 AI Flight Creator

FS2002/FS2004 AI Flight Creator. AI Flight Creator is a utility designed to create AI flight plans for Microsoft’s Flight Simulator FS2004 and FS2002. The most difficult part of creating a new flight plan is to convert local time into GMT (UTC) to have the flights depart on time, both locally and internationally. AI Flight Creator allows you to select any time zone in the world, enter a local departure time and it will automatically convert the local time to GMT (UTC) time for your flight plan. AI Flight Creator also has the ability to filter flight plans and display only the departures or arrivals for a selected airport. It can randomly generate aircraft registration numbers with a user-defined prefix. Also provides support for weekly departures and touch and goes. You’ll also need a copy of TrafficTools to compile your new flight plans. Requires the VB6 Runtime (VBRUN60.ZIP) files. By Dave Westbury. 1 Mb

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