Welcome to Perfect Flight

Noble Air “Virtually” The World’s Greatest Airline

Since its formation in 1994 as a single hub (San Francisco), Virtual Airline Noble Air has grown into the Major Global VA, flying from nine hubs worldwide, with 75 pilots and a selection of 1800 aircraft covering 106 types of fixed wing and two types of helicopter.

The organisation of allocating flights (domestic, regional, international passenger and cargo), arranging charter flights at the request of individual pilots along with PIREP reporting is all controlled by an innovative program, developed in house by one of our pilots, Edward Watson.

The PIREP software also logs flying hours, aircraft type flown, promotions and any awards for each pilot. It also keeps a log for each hub, on a monthly basis, of total hours flown, number of flights, distance travelled, fuel used, number of passengers and weight of freight carried. At the end of each month a “League Table” is produced using a points system of all the Hubs.

In addition to all this, pilots can fly online and with VATSIM can opt to be under control of Air Traffic Control.

The versatility of all this adds greatly to a pilot’s enjoyment, giving a purpose to their flying, rather than “just flying around”.

Noble Air is looking for pilots of all abilities to join its ranks. To join, go to www.NobleAir.net and fill in the application form.

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