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Pilots and Passengers Waving to Plane Spotters – Skiathos

Pilots and Passengers Waving to Plane Spotters – Skiathos, the Second St Maarten – Airport SpottingIt is a real treat to see passengers and pilots wave back to you before they take off. Here is a compilation of some astonishing clips including just that, as well as some extra shots of some great spotting and.. waving hello!

From 757s to 737s, A318s, A320s, A321s, Jetstream 41s to Embraer 190s, pilots and passengers of all aircraft are always kind enough to give a friendly wave after seeing plane spotters jumping up and down happily waving their hands all over the place. It is a sight to see, having in mind that in a few minutes all these people will be in the air, with the passengers heading back home full of pleasant memories. A last contact with people on the island before heading home. How beautiful! This video includes some special clips including jetblast action, pilots signalling spotters to get away from the blast and much more.

By TheGreatFlyer

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