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FSX – Middle East Carrier Operations Scenery


FSX – Middle East Carrier Operations Scenery. This scenery has been developed for FSX SP1 or SP2. It has also been tested with Acceleration, but compatibility is not guaranteed. The scenery includes two carrier groups CVN68 and CVN69 (carrier models from Javier Fernandez), two AI KC-135 tanker aircraft, AI F-18A aircraft approaching the carrier, Navy destroyer and a Navy cruiser as escort ships for the carrier, a number of oil platforms and the ARS4 radar gauge which displays air targets and boat targets. The ARS4 radar gauge provides also a auto landing function for the carrier and a auto tracking function for aircraft in order to support A2A re-fueling. The scenery package includes as well the program Arrcab, developed by Richard Hogan, and the RCBCO gauge developed by Rob Barendregt. Arrcab or RCBCO are required to support a catapult start from a carrier and the cable arrestor function for a carrier landing. This is not a load and fly package. Please take your time to read the included documentation for the ARS4 gauge and the MECOPS scenery carefully. Do not skip chapters because you may think, they are not important for you. By Dietmar Loleit.

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