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– FS2004 Falcon Twin Jet Executive Concept

FS2004 Falcon Twin Jet Executive Concept Helo. This is the Falcon twin turbine ultra high end biz helo designed for the executive market. Have you ever wondered what a business helo would look like years from now, and what features it would incorporate? This is a concept under development for some time now. In theory, it is designed with a double rotor mounting system to negate rotor ‘hop’. Also featured is the incorporation of furniture within the cabin including two walls for seperate meeting rooms as well as the cockpit in front. This is designed to be the Lear Jet of Helo’s, the best you could buy, a jet you can land on a building and have the creature comforts of a top of the line biz-jet. This model features opening doors, dynamic shine and reflection textures in three colors, retracting landing gear. When you open the doors, the inner doors open also. Uses all stock gauges. Modeled in Gmax by William Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd. 6,7 Mb

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