
FSX – Blohm & Voss Ha139 V1 And V2 Mail-Carrier Floatplane Upgrade

FSX – Blohm & Voss Ha139 V1 And V2 Mail-Carrier Floatplane Upgrade. Blohm & Voss Ha-139 V1 & V2 floatplanes from 1937. This is the second and final upgrade of my very first 3D-model I’ve buildt in 2014. The new models are completly reworked and has now glossy barematal textures (no glossy in P3d!) and a very detailed VC with an interior which is regarding to old photographs as realisticly as possible. Also the seats for the navigator, engineer and radio operator are represented. The Ha139 was one of the biggest float planes ever built. It was a German catapult launched mail-carrier plane, equipped with four Diesel Engines. Only three planes were buildt: V1 “Nordwind”, V2 “Nordmeer” and V3″Nordstern”. The planes were used to shorten the time for transatlantic cross overs. Therefore they were carried on a tender vessel and when within proper range (max. 5000 km) they were catapulted for take offs. A very special animation is included: A supply boat is approaching and stopping at the float. Eleven FSX camera views let you watch the animations or let visit you the working areas for the crew.

FSDS model and 2D panel by Erwin Welker.

38.5 MB

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