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BOOM! HARD AIRBUS A321 LANDING without flaring

BOOM! HARD AIRBUS A321 LANDING without flaringI filmed an extremly hard Airbus A321 landing of British Airways at Düsseldorf last tuesday. We had very light crosswinds with approximately 10 knots but the crosswind effect was visible during some of these landings. Actualy I was waiting for an Austiran Boeing 777-200 but the light was beautiful and I decided to shup up at the airport a little earlier to film these evening landings.

The crosswind landing wasn` t bad at all cause the crew aligned with the runway in a perfect way before the touchdown. Just the lack of flaring caused this Airbus to “impact” with the runway. Wonder how the passengares “noticed” that they touched the ground.

Thanks for watching and please don` t forget to rate this video 🙂

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