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FSX/P3D – McCoy Helicopter Landing Effect 4.0

FSX/P3D – McCoy Helicopter Landing Effect 4.0. McCoy Helicopter Landing Effect v4 for both FSX & P3D v4. This package replaces the default rotor-wash effect for dirt and water, five sets of various sizes are included and can be used in any combination along with a subtle helicopter wake. These effects are individually assigned to a specific helicopter overriding both FSX & P3D’s default effects. These effects will not detach and lift off the surface when the aircraft climes above a specific height. Some improvements over v3.4b include the removal of two emitters for better frame rates, adjustments that remove the wind effect appearing in waves, a simplified installation and all emitters have had their scale, velocity, density, offsets and colors adjusted for a more realistic appearance.

Textures included by Vince McCoy

96 MB

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