BOEING 747 LOSING FUEL during DEPARTURE – B747 Classic
BOEING 747 LOSING FUEL during DEPARTURE – B747 ClassicThis Boeing 747 of Air Atlanta operated a flight between Düsseldorf and Jakarta (Indonesia / 6100 miles). The captain of this flight saw my video and responded: “It’s actually fuel coming from vent line via the wing tip vent. I was the capt on the flight and had to fill 600kg of paperwork afterwards”. Another engineer told me that there’s a wing fuel tank vent box in the tip of all planes. When the fuel gets too full in the tanks it overflows into the vent box and (obviously) out the vent. The wings flexing probably caused the fuel to shift around!
The Boeing 747-200 shown in this video (TF-ARJ) is currently stored in the Mojave desert. It was built in 1986.
I am a hugh fan of the Boeing 747 Classic but sadly it is slowly becoming extinct. There are just a few companies from Armenia, Berlarus. Geogria and Iran which still operate a few Boeing 747-200 airframes as cargo planes. It` s very sad to see them go but most airlines have to renew their fleet to make sure to operate in a profitable economic way.
I filmed this video in 2012 and as you can see I wasn` t able to handle my camera very well. It was one of my first attempts to make videos of planes and I am sorry for the shaky footage.
Thanks for watching.