FSX/P3D Movie – Perspectives
FSX/P3D Movie – Perspectives
I know I’ve said this for the last 3 projects in a row but this without much doubt this will be my final simulation production work. This is down to the fact I’m starting my course at Oxford Aviation in a months time. This will leave me with little to no time for production work as the course is full time and full on.
I hope you enjoyed this movie as it was almost a return to my roots. My first ever major FSX movie used music by ludovico einaudi, and was of a similar style to this current production. This Movie was somewhat slower paced that my normal work but I tried to focus on the quality of the shot, and the flow of a good narrative without it being completely story driven. This allowed me to use high quality aircraft and scenery, which have been missing from some of my latter works. When you’re reconstructing real events you’re tied to the aircraft used be it whatever quality.
About 90% of this project was filmed in FSX but the first shots up until the Cessna 172 is shown are all in P3D v2.4. I wanted to shoot more in P3D but I just don’t have any aircraft for P3D yet so had to fall back onto FSX.
Music: ludovico einaudi F L Y
Thanks to FSXPilotMerton for allowing me to name this Movie Perspectives as he had already made a production with the same title.
Add-ons used:
A2A 172
PMDG 777 (FSX)
Real air Dukes V2
FSX Boxed with Steve’s DX10 fixer
EZCA V1.81
REX 4 Texture Direct
ORBX New Zealand South island
ORBX California
Flyawaysimulation ISS
FSX Nimitz Aircraft Carrier v2
PC used:
Core i7 4710HQ 3.3