FSX – Juan de Nova…Oil Island Mission
FSX – Juan de Nova…Oil Island Mission. FSadventureSky FSX Mission: Juan de Nova Island (French: locally Ile Juan de Nova or officially Ile Juan da Nova), also known as Saint-Christophe, is a 4.4 square kilometer (1.7 sq mi) low, flat, tropical island in the narrowest part of the Mozambique Channel, about one-third of the way between Madagascar and Mozambique. This is where five oil rigs are looking for oil. Once a year the “rig guys” get a week of vacation to Mozambique or Madagascar “Caguachatti Oil Rest Camps”. You are one of the pilots who flies them there and returns them after the “Boosy week” as it is called. No time to waste, pilots get on with the job. Warning: Very hard! For pilots with both twin engine and helicopter licenses only! Please do not bang the heli! By Gera Godoy Canova.
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