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FSX – WW2 Series -The K-GO Project


FSX – WW2 Series -The K-GO Project. FSX/FSadventureSky WWII flight. Early on in the war Commander Kimatura Research Institutes Chemical Section, had requested Admiral Omaruka the separation of Uranium-235. The work went slowly, but shortly before the end of the war he had designed an ultracentrifuge (to spin at 60,000 rpm) which he was hopeful would achieve the required results. Only the design of the machinery was completed before the Japanese surrender. In early 1942 Squadron 45B-38 flying Catalinas was ordered to start photographing what was known as the Mystery Corridor in waters near Japan. This was a Top Secret mission which covered hundreds of miles of water and many islands. Four Catalina aircraft were fitted with cameras and long range tanks and loaded in an aircraft carrier which launched them at a secret spot. Their mission was to fly the corridor and find the secret buildings where the atomic experiments were held. Photograph them and fly to Russian territory…a Most difficult situation for any pilot! By Gera Godoy Canova.
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