FSX – Avro 730 Vigilant B.IA/SR. I/II
FSX – Avro 730 Vigilant B.IA/SR. I/II supersonic bomber. One of the many projects axed by Duncan Sandys in the wake of the disasterous 1957 defence white paper was an advanced M=3 stainless steel strategic strike-reconnaissance bomber, the impressive Avro Type 730. A set of three repaints for Kazunori Ito‘s Avro Type 730 (AVRO730_T1.ZIP), V/C functional and de-blurred as much as posible, FSX compatable (probably FS2004 too) gauges, radio, radar/MTI (this shows AI air and sea targets), autopilot works, all from freeware sources. Afterburners and smoke system effects added. Reworked .air and FDE file with contact points added in the right places for all wheels. Dimensions, weights, MOI, fuel and payload (one station, it’s a bomber), range (intercontinental) and canard configuration set per AVRO estimates. M=2.5 cruise, M=3.2 dash at combat weight, combat ceiling 70, 000 ft+. Reverse thrust added to simulate drag chute. Ballanced field performance per Air Staff requirement OR/AST53, aircraft can use 6500 foot runways at AUW and landing at 10% fuel and 15500 lbs bring back. The repaints are 2 9sqn Waddington wing machines, V Force white and late 60’s camouflage, and a raspberry ripple RAE machine.
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