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– FS2004 Jet Version Disco

FS2004 Jet Version Disco Vollante. This is the jet version of the Disco Vollante’ (Italian for flying saucer). This upgrade features a superb jet sound, not too loud, and faster performance. The Disco is designed to take-off as well as land in sectored highways that allow flying vehicle access interfacing. It is still yet another concept for the future of personal air transportation that would revolutionize flying making it much like driving a car. This model features opening perspex/canopy, retracting landing gear, working suspension, working and retracting and turning Cam Pod, retracting STOL wing foils for low speed landings, custom panel, opening belly scoop, six different colors with dynamic shine and reflection, and instructions on how to drive your new ‘vehicle’ in the world of tomorrow. Cruise altitude for work this morning is FL180 at Mach .56. You’ll find your brief case and duffle bag stowed in the nose boot. By William Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd. 2,5 Mb

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